Features of Other games played online
It isn’t hard to tell that ‘Other’ is attributed to the genre of games that are hard to attribute to any genre. Do you love that pun? We do.
Actually, if not to make fun of it, the overwhelming part of those online free games is actually attributed to this or that genre or direction. The thing is that some pieces are also tagged with ‘Other’, depicting the fact that each of them embraces something bigger than just what it has to show within own main genre. To put it simpler: almost every game from this category is attributed to some main genre but also has something beyond, so was tagged with ‘Other’ as well. This difference may be, for instance, a tattoo game that does not have the destined category on our site (and it would be stupid to create one for 1 game only).
Or ‘Baby Moana gets tidy’ – yes, it is tagged with ‘Baby’, ‘Cartoon’, ‘Dress Up’, and ‘Make-up’, but also has something more – like washing her with a shampoo in the ocean, changing diapers, watching the ocean waves… These little tiny ‘other’ stuff pieces allow attributing it to the ‘Other’.
Why playing Other games online for free?
- as you already now know the logic, you can say that the genre has adopted everything that other genres have refused
- if a game is a one of its kind (like ‘Angelina Jolie Kiss Game’ or ‘Fab Tattoo Artist 2’), it is stupid to create a separate category just for one – and so it lands here
- if a game has something more and beyond – it is tagged with this label.
Something interesting in the category of Other games
This collection is mostly comprised of ‘Dress-me-up’ or ‘Groom-me-up’ games. But there are standalone pieces like already mentioned ‘Angelina Jolie Kiss Game’ – one of its kind. Or ‘Happy Wheels’ with a totally unhappy dude on its cover. Running, kissing, dressing attires of adorable princesses – these too can pick your interest. Washing a ‘Dirty Pou’ or making a hairstyle for ‘it’ (or ‘him’?) – well, this is beyond good and evil but still worthy if just to kill time. Play a hundred of other ‘Others’ and enjoy!